Mississippi DUI Defense Attorney
Driving under the influence is a serious offense with serious and damaging consequences. If you have been charged with DUI, you need an Experienced Mississippi DUI Defense Attorney to defend your case and protect your rights.
Mississippi DUI Attorney Jared K. Tomlinson is trained in standardized field sobriety testing and familiar with the methods used by law enforcement agencies to prosecute DUI cases in Mississippi.
DUI trials often involve complicated and complex scientific evidence, and the potential damage from a DUI conviction is much too great to face alone. Attorney Jared K. Tomlinson is an experienced DUI Defense Attorney that has successfully handled hundreds of DUI cases all across Mississippi and will vigorously defend your rights and put the State's evidence under thorough examination and scrutiny.
Attorney Jared K. Tomlinson will personally handle your case from beginning to end, and will work with you to ensure that your case is handled professionally and properly to protect your rights and your future.
If you have been charged with a DUI in Mississippi, call or contact Mississippi DUI Defense Attorney Jared K. Tomlinson today to discuss how the damage could be lessened or potentially avoided altogether.
“This means everything to me. You have literally saved my life.”
Mississippi DUI Defense Attorney Jared K. Tomlinson is based centrally in Madison, Mississippi and proudly serves clients throughout Jackson, Madison, Ridgeland, Brandon, Flowood, Starkville, Oxford, Mendenhall, and any other location in Mississippi.